Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Through the Fog

This morning as I drove to work, there was heavy fog all around.  It was difficult to see very far beyond where I was driving.  However, I've come to think of fog in an interesting way...maybe weird to some, but hey, I'm used to being the "weird artsy musical girl." But when the fog is thick and heavy like it was this morning, it's almost like a reminder that the presence of God is all around us.  As I navigated my way through low visibility I had to really focus on the road in front of me using my headlights to lead the way.  After about 20 minutes of driving, I turned a corner in the road and the sun appeared.  And the fog all but disappeared.  And I got to thinking.  (And if you don't know me too well, you need to know my thought process can be....interesting at times.)

My drive to work this morning is kind of like life.  Especially mine lately.  LIfe has been a roller coaster of sorts over the last several years.  I've experienced amazing highs and devastating lows.  As we all have.  I've seen things so clearly sometimes and then one minute later stood there in confusion and wondered what in the world was going on.  Our lives are full of foggy moments and sunny moments.  Like this morning.  I couldn't see 50 feet in front of me (I'm guessing that's right...I'm a total girl and have no clue how far that is).  However, as long as my focus was where it needed to be, on the road ahead and on the light guiding my way, I was able to navigate...though maybe unsure or unsteady...I was still able to stay on the right path.  Then when the sun broke through, it confirmed I was where I needed to be. 

And so is life.  I realized this morning that the only difference between the good days and the bad days is where I've placed my focus.  When the fog surrounds me and I'm unsure and scared and have questions, if I will keep my focus on the One who guides each and every step on the path He has planned for me, I am able to face whatever the day brings or whatever situation arises.  However, if my focus switches to the problem or the inconvenience or the bad news or whatever, I allow the fog to overtake me and I give in to the fear and doubt.  And I have found that even when I'm unfaithful in keeping my focus where it needs to be, God is always faithful to provide a way.  And if I will hang in there and not give up, the sun will come shining through and confirm that I am on the right path.  Sometimes that path is scary.  Sometimes it may be unsure (to me...not to God).  Sometimes it may be easy, but just as often it's hard.  But the problems, doubt, fear, moodiness always come when I focus on the problem or doubt or fear or whatever instead of focusing on Him.  

You would think after 37 years, I would have learned this lesson.  But as Paul said, I do what I don't want to do and don't do what I know I should do.  And thankfully, God remembers that we are dust, that we are simply humans struggling to make it through this life in anticipation of the next.  

Now I don't know if God allowed the fog this morning just to teach me this much needed lesson.  I kind of doubt it.  But I've also learned to trust that God can speak through anything to get our attention.  He's done that a couple times this He must figure I really needed to hear it.  Earlier in the week through an online video of a sermon about patience in praying and trusting that if God plans it for you nothing can take that away...through a friend whose thoughtful words in an email encouraged me to hang in the fog this morning as a reminder of where to keep my focus.  So I'm thinking this must be pretty important!  

As you may or may not know, music is a big part of my life.  I can pretty much come up with a song for any and every experience in my life and your life (if you ask me).  And as I've driven around in my car this week, I've been listening to some CDs I made for my Momma several years ago.  And there have been several songs that have really spoken to me this week.  One of them is "God Speaking" by Mandisa...and it just reminds us that God will do whatever He has to do, speak in whatever way He needs to in order to let us know how much He loves us.  The other song is a version of the old hymn "In Christ Alone" by FFH...and my favorite line in that song is "from life's first cry to final breath Jesus commands my destiny."  Wow!  How powerful is that...JESUS commands my destiny.  My future, my life, my hopes and dreams, the deepest desires of my heart...HE has full control of that and has a plan far beyond my wildest dreams!  So knowing that, why would I ever take my focus off of Him?  But I do.  So he sends the sermons.  And the emails from friends.  And the songs.  And the fog.  And I'm thankful He does.

My prayer is that through my ramblings that He will speak to your heart and remind you that He is in control, He has a plan and He loves you.  And if you will focus on the One who died to prove that, He will guide you safely home.

"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord.  Plans for good and not for evil.  Plans to give you a future and a hope."  Jeremiah 29:11

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